
CLASH for Storm writes metrics in order to asses the performance.

The following is a list of metrics. All of these metrics are grouped by task and component, thus for example for a Lineitem-store with parallelism 4, there are 4 measurements (one for each task) which have to be aggregated to get the entire picture.

Store metrics


  • clash_metric.probeTuplesReadCounter The total number of probe tuples read during that topology’s execution
  • clash_metric.probeMessagesReadCounter The total number of probe messages read during that topology’s execution
  • clash_metric.storeTuplesReadCounter The total number of store tuples read during that topology’s execution
  • clash_metric.storeMessagesReadCounter The total number of store messages read during that topology’s execution
  • clash_metric.emittedResultTuplesCounter The total number of join result tuples sent as result of a probe
  • clash_metric.emittedResultMessagesCounter The total number of join result messages sent as result of a probe
  • clash_metric.emittedDelayedResultTuplesCounter The total number of join result tuples sent as result of a delayed store
  • clash_metric.emittedDelayedResultMessagesCounter The total number of join result messages sent as result of a delayed store


  • clash_metric.probeTimer The duration of a invocation of the probe function
  • clash_metric.storeTimer The duration of a invocation of the store function